From the time we are small, we are told never judge a book by its cover. You don't know what you'll find inside. You might miss out on all kinds of opportunity. Be it a book, literally, or a person or situation or experience, metaphorically.

So here I am now, faced with a momentous decision. The cover for the first in my upcoming new series... drum roll... Luckland Ladies Mysteries. I so want to share my ideas with you, and am considering it, believe me. I have a whole bunch of ideas for the cover but none have quite hit the mark yet.
Do I choose a plot element? The shoebox urns? The scrapbook of secrets? The gold?
Do I highlight the characters? The rabble-rousing ladies? The heroine? The love interest? (He's pretty hot!)
Do I go abstract? Maybe a scenic shot from Luckland itself?
Such a dilemma! I'm certain eventually it will happen. Like on Say Yes to the Dress... MJ? Are you saying yes to the Cover? But first I have to go through the agonizing process of creating it. I do have some help in the form of highly opinionated expert readers, authors, and editors who are gladly offering their assistance. Thankfully! But it is for me almost more difficult than writing the book itself. I sit down and let my fingers fly on the keyboard. The cover? It's more of a staring contest between me and the screen. And it can go on for hours. Agonizing hours. Eventually, it'll come to me. And we'll be off and publishing.
So for now, you'll have to just close your eyes and imagine what Book 1 will bring. Inside, and outside.